Disillusion me, Lord.
I have so many illusions
about how things “should be.”
I believe life should be easy.
I believe I should be happy.
I believe people should be fair.
I believe miracles should be routine.
I believe dreams should come true.
And, yes, above all these,
I believe that You should act the way
I think You should act.
That is the greatest illusion of all.
I need to be disillusioned, Lord.
I need you to strip away these
and replace them with
But, to be honest,
I don’t want Truth.
I don’t want to know that there is
a time to uproot
a time to tear down
a time to weep
a time to mourn
a time to give up as lost
a time to die.
I don’t want to know that
all things work together
for good.
I just want all things to
be good.
But I need to know
I need to bathe in
I need to live in
Because You are
and it is
that I need.
So, disillusion me, Lord.
In You
the Faithful and True
I am free.