It’s easy to fall into the trap of running through a list of people in our prayers and just saying, “God bless this person, God bless that person …” What are we really asking? How will we know the God has answered? Are we even paying attention to what we’re saying?
Choose someone you want to pray for, and focus 100% as you pray this prayer based on Ephesians 3:14-21:
“Father, I bow my knees before you. All heaven and earth are your creation: you are God Most High. I humbly ask that you would strengthen [Name] today with power through your Spirit in his/her inmost being. I ask that you would give this lavishly, according to the riches of your glory. I pray that Christ himself would dwell in [Name]’s heart through faith. And I ask that he/she would be rooted and grounded in your love: help him/her to comprehend the full breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. Fill him/her up with all the fullness of yourself.
"Father, you are able to do abundantly beyond all we ask or think, because you have chosen to demonstrate your power in and through us. I glorify you and Christ Jesus, today, tomorrow, and forever. Amen.”