What are you going to do in Heaven?
Most people’s immediate response to that question is, “Praise God.” This is true, but it doesn’t go far enough. We will also have work to do – the Bible speaks of us serving God throughout all eternity (Revelations 22:3).
So ... what are you going to DO in Heaven?
Think about the many ways you serve God now – through worship, yes, but also through hospitality, teaching, writing, making music, playing sports, discovering what God has made and how it works … the list is endless. Our service to God on this side of Heaven is completely unique to each of us – it incorporates who we are and what we love to do and what our skills are and what our spiritual gifts are. Why would it be any different once we enter Heaven’s doors? It makes sense that our service to God in Heaven and on the New Earth will be even more fulfilling! We will be excited to serve him – our service will be a fount of constant praise to him!
Let me share with you some of my very personal ideas of how I might serve on the New Earth.
I love gardening now. I would love on the New Earth to create a large garden for people to explore and relax in and experience God’s beauty and the wonders of his Creation.
I love traveling and photography. I would love in the New Earth to explore new places and take pictures and find new ways to share them with others through handmade crafts or books or such. And, by the way, if you find the idea of cameras in heaven odd, why couldn’t there be technology? Humankind has always created tools and machines. We tend to think of Heaven in “pastoral” terms – no cars or machines or computers – but why would these things not exist? The New Earth is not a static place where we simply “exist.” It is the place where the original plan of God for humankind will be fulfilled. Where we will become all we were designed to be. Where art and science and engineering and craftsmanship and sports and technology all reach their fulfillment.
I love baking cookies – I can imagine having a table of cookies somewhere in my garden so that people who are coming to enjoy the flowers can also nibble a homemade tasty treat.
I love writing and speaking to help people grow in the “grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). While we will all know the Lord in Heaven, we will always be wanting to learn more about him and know him better. I might be able to help you learn something about God, just as you will be able to help me learn something about God.
So get fired up with hope by considering the endless opportunities for great things to DO on the New Earth! As humans, we are creatures of action. Of movement. Of creativity. Of work. We won’t have any of the drudge work like we often have to do now, but only splendid work! What do you want to do? What do you imagine doing in eternity so that it will be wonderful beyond compare?
And, by the way, when the New Earth is our home, come and stop by my garden for cookies and a chat! I’ll be glad to see you!