Jesus, why did you die for me?
Why did you choose the Cross
Not just for my “big sins“
But for my flagrant stupidity?
Why did you suffer a friend’s denial
And give your cheek to a traitor’s kiss
To forgive my casual shallowness
And disposable relationships?
Why did you permit the lash
To come down endlessly
To pay for my endless scrolling
Through videos and social media?
Why did you allow thorns
To pierce your brow
To acquit me for allowing nothing
To pierce my complacency?
Why did you refuse the wine
That would have dulled your senses
To cover my constant efforts
To dull my own?
Why did you accept the nails
That ravaged your hands and feet
To pardon my lack of compassion
For those ravaged by pain?
Why did you concede
To struggle for each agonizing breath
To absolve me from my continual
Quest for comfort?
Why did you welcome the spear
Thrust into your dead heart
To replace the hunk of stone
Residing in my own chest?
Truly, truly … this is Love.