Evangelism. We’re all supposed to share the Good News with the people around us, but we often fail to do so. We’re afraid of rocking the boat, afraid of being inadequate to the task, afraid of rupturing the relationships we have with others.
But I wonder … is the real problem on occasion actually a matter of the heart? That we have lost our love for the lost?
If we really love someone and want to see them saved from an eternity in hell, isn’t it a measure of that love that we are willing to rock the boat to give them the opportunity to gain that infinite reward? Isn’t it worth stumbling for the right words, even opening our mouth and putting our foot in it, if it will give the true Word of God the chance to be heard? If our relationship with someone is really of value to us, don’t we want it to continue – forever?
Have we lost our love for the lost? “For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son…” (John 3:16).
What are we willing to give?
How much do we truly love?