Romans 1:16 reads, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”
Sometimes I think we forget that sharing the gospel is opening a doorway for God’s power to pour forth on people. This isn’t a calm and quiet thing; no ordinary, everyday bit of triviality. The gospel contains the POWER of GOD.
What kind of power? Well, Romans 8 gives us a good idea – in that single chapter, we learn about nine different kinds of power:
-- The power of truth to combat the lies of the devil.
-- The power of transformation to renew your mind.
-- The power of obedience to live out God’s laws.
-- The power of the Spirit to live in us.
-- The power of guidance to walk in God’s will.
-- The power of adoption to make us God’s children.
-- The power of hope to conquer despair.
-- The power of prayer to effectively intercede for us.
-- The power of love to make us safe and secure.
That is the power that the gospel brings to a person’s life – the power of salvation! Let’s spread this INCREDIBLE GOOD NEWS!